
There is already a lot going on in what will become God's House - the premises are filled to the brim with activities in both Fisksätra Church and the current apartment mosque. With a joint God's House we will have room for more activities and more meetings as we get closer to each other under a common roof.

Below you find news items, both as articles on this site and from Facebook. Most articles are in Swedish.


Seminarium om föräldraskap
Seminarium om föräldraskap

Guds Hus vänförening arrangerade ett spännande program om föräldraskap tillsammans med Dedicated Parents, Familjecentralen i Nacka och Nacka kommun.

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Activities in God's House on Facebook

Stay Informed

Let us keep you up to date about what is going on. Our newsletter (in Swedish) is both an informative guide to the progress of God’s House and a great way to stay informed with details and invitations to our various activities.I nyhetsbrevet berättar vi hur arbetet fortskrider och bjuder in till olika aktiviteter.

The newsletter is sent out 2-4 times a year. You can cancel the subscription at any time.

Read previous newsletters here »

Support God's House

You can contribute  – with money, time or commitment. You can easily donate via an international bank transfer or via our Facebook donation button. If you are in Sweden you can use Swish on your phone. Businesses or organizations can become key partners and make a big difference.

Inclusion through meetings across borders. Diversity in a globalized world. Religion as a resource in civil society.

About God's House
Idea, history and future

The Building
A God's House for People

Voices for God's House
Thoughts and words about God's House

Answers to your questions

News, in focus and calendar

God's House Friends Association
Activities and dialogue

God's House Advice & Support Center
God’s House social work

Addresses and contact persons