The Church Exists Today , We Will Build the Rest
God's House will be built on Fisksätra Square, right at the heart of the community and close to the daily lives of everyone living there. This will afford myriad opportunities for connections that will enrich our cultural community life and help us unite to face challenges as well as offer moments of tranquility, reflection and recovery from the strain of every-day life.
The building will consist of three parts: the church, the mosque and a glazed central atrium linking the two. Fisksätra Church was built in 1974 and is located in the middle of the community on Fisksätra Square. The mosque part will be built on the ground next to the church. A contract of sale between Nacka Parish and Fisksätra Mosque Foundation has been set up for the 300 square metre lot. The mosque will be built in the same facade material as the church to give a uniform appearance. Ett köpekontrakt med Stiftelsen Fisksätramoskén har upprättats på den 300 kvm avstyckade tomten. Moskén byggs i samma fasadmaterial som kyrkan för ge ett enhetligt utseende.
The mosque and the church will be connected by an indoor square, a glazed atrium called the Peace Square, where there will be room for activities and meetings, both spontaneous and scheduled. Have a cup of coffee at a café seminar or join a discussion or study group on a topic that interests you.
With glazed walls, ceiling and floor the architecture of the Peace Square signals transparency, openness and illumination; openness between people, openness to others’ beliefs and ways of life, openness to a pluralistic society. We will let in light and open up a space toward heaven..
God's House will create space to develop even more activities and opportunities by bringing us closer together under a common roof. The common premises will allow us to greatly extend the activities that already exist and thus people bring even more harmony to our community.
Visualization of God's House
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The newsletter is sent out 2-4 times a year. You can cancel the subscription at any time.
Inclusion through meetings across borders. Diversity in a globalized world. Religion as a resource in civil society.
About God's House
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