Where the Whole World Meet

Fisksätra is community of 8,000 people from more than 80 different nations. Globalization, migration, climate change, conflict and refugee crises are changing the populations of Sweden and the world. Muslims and Christians meet and live side by side.

Diversity offers both challenges and inspiration. With God's House, we aim to create an inclusive space where everyone can participate, contribute and help determine the direction of the change. God's House will contribute to increased trust and respect in society thus promoting a positive way forward.

The Declaration of Core Values for God's House and Källan form an ethical governance document for our work. Read the Declaration of Core Values here »

Sverige och världen förändras. Muslimer och kristna möts, bor och lever tillsammans.
Med Guds Hus vill vi vara med och bestämma riktningen på förändringen.

Kickoff for Interfaith Meetings

Christians and Muslims have collaborated for many years in Fisksätra. The organized cooperation began at Pentecost 2003 when about 60 people from the Lutheran Nacka Parish and the Muslims Association in Nacka met for common prayers on the local soccer field. This event became the kickoff for the interfaith dialogue with regular conversations and gatherings both in the church and the basement mosque.

St. Konrad’s Catholic Parish has celebrated Sunday Mass in Fisksätra Church for several years and joined the cooperation, together with Stockholm City Mission, when the advice and support center Källan was opened in 2008.

Kickoff for Interfaith Meetings

Christians and Muslims have collaborated for many years in Fisksätra. The organized cooperation began at Pentecost 2003 when about 60 people from the Lutheran Nacka Parish and the Muslims Association in Nacka met for common prayers on the local soccer field. This event became the kickoff for the interfaith dialogue with regular conversations and gatherings both in the church and the basement mosque.

St. Konrad’s Catholic Parish has celebrated Sunday Mass in Fisksätra Church for several years and joined the cooperation, together with Stockholm City Mission, when the advice and support center Källan was opened in 2008.

Three Denominations Under the Same Roof

The interfaith dialogue was named God's House in 2009. Then the process began of deepening the collaboration by establishing a meeting place in a common building for Christians and Muslims.

The existing church on the site will be combined with an adjoining new-built mosque and a glazed central atrium - the meeting place in between. The mosque will be funded and run by the Fisksätra Mosque Foundation and the indoor square under the central atrium will be run by Nacka Parish.

The glazed central atrium - "the Peace Square" - with its transparency and light opens up for meetings between people both indoors and out.

God's House aims to create even more meeting places of innovative design where people will have the opportunity to discover how much we have in common, regardless of beliefs or ways of life. Living in separation and isolation maintains and promotes prejudice, it is only when people connect that we create the conditions for tolerance and respect of others and find joy in both our differences and our commonalities.

» Read more about the building

Det är först när vi människor möts som vi skapar de bästa förutsättningarna för att kunna respektera det annorlunda hos andra och glädjas över olikheterna.

Möten istället för murar

Guds Hus vill vara en mötesplats där människor oberoende av tro eller livsåskådning får möjlighet att upptäcka hur mycket människor av olika traditioner har gemensamt. Först när människor möts finns de enda förutsättningarna för att respekt för det annorlunda och glädje över den egna traditionen, ska kunna utvecklas.

Syftet med byggnaden är att skapa en sådan naturlig mötesplats där dagens befintliga verksamheter kan fördjupas och utvecklas ytterligare.

Möten istället för murar

Guds Hus vill vara en mötesplats där människor oberoende av tro eller livsåskådning får möjlighet att upptäcka hur mycket människor av olika traditioner har gemensamt. Först när människor möts finns de enda förutsättningarna för att respekt för det annorlunda och glädje över den egna traditionen, ska kunna utvecklas. Syftet med byggnationen att skapa en sådan naturlig mötesplats där dagens befintliga verksamheter kan fördjupas och utvecklas ytterligare. (När vi delar också tak…)

In the Middle of the Community and the World

The work of God's House is one of integration and inclusion and as such builds on religion as a resource in the community that can help heal the divisions in Swedish society.

God's House will be built on Fisksätra Square, right at the heart of the community and close to the daily lives of everyone living there, which will afford myriad opportunities for connections that will enrich our cultural community life and help us unite to face challenges as well as offer moments of tranquility, reflection and recovery from the strain of every-day life.

The visionary work of God's House has already raised interest and inspiration far beyond Fisksätra and Sweden. The fact that we have already hosted numerous study visits from organizations, schools and politicians over the years serves to demonstrate the appeal and necessity of collaboration across cultural and religious boundaries.

God's House participates in an integration project for new arrivals together with the KAICIID Dialogue Centre in Vienna and has also been invited to conferences and cooperative projects with them over several years.

In Berlin, there is a similar project called House of One. Just as in Berlin we are now tearing down walls in Fisksätra, building a foundation for connections between people instead of divisions.

We work for xenophilia and to strengthen religious freedom in a time of polarization where racist opinions are often ventilated in public. God's House is constructed on religious messages of peace, the doctrine of the golden rule, mutual respect and the equal worth of all people. Do not show favoritism!

Fundraiser in progress!

Building God's House together. The fundraiser for the construction of the mosque extension and the central atrium has been active since 2015. The public, individuals as well as organizations and businesses, are welcome to donate.

The Muslims Association in Nacka
Nacka Parish, The Church of Sweden
The Catholic Diocese of Stockholm

Fundraiser in progress!

Tillsammans bygger vi Guds Hus. The fundraiser for the construction of the mosque extension and the central atrium has been active since 2015. The public, individuals as well as organizations and businesses, are welcome to donate.

The Muslims Association in Nacka
Nacka Parish, The Church of Sweden
The Catholic Diocese of Stockholm

Support God's House

You can contribute  – with money, time or commitment. You can easily donate via an international bank transfer or via our Facebook donation button. If you are in Sweden you can use Swish on your phone. Businesses or organizations can become key partners and make a big difference. 

Stay Informed

Let us keep you up to date about what is going on. Our newsletter (in Swedish) is both an informative guide to the progress of God’s House and a great way to stay informed with details and invitations to our various activities.I nyhetsbrevet berättar vi hur arbetet fortskrider och bjuder in till olika aktiviteter.

The newsletter is sent out 2-4 times a year. You can cancel the subscription at any time.

Read previous newsletters here »

Inclusion through meetings across borders. Diversity in a globalized world. Religion as a resource in civil society.

About God's House
Idea, history and future

The Building
A God's House for People

Voices for God's House
Thoughts and words about God's House

Answers to your questions

News, in focus and calendar

God's House Friends Association
Activities and dialogue

God's House Advice & Support Center
God’s House social work

Addresses and contact persons