Voices for God's House

In God's House reside many voices, some of them expressed here. Listen to why these voices have chosen to support God's House in different ways. The videos are subtitled in Swedish only.

"I do not believe in God. But I do believe in people and their need to connect. I also believe that our similarities are infinitely greater than our differences. With that conviction we can move mountains and find hope, peace, and love. God's House is a part of that.”

Eva Dahlgren, musician

God's House makes room for rethinking with different faiths under one roof. This building will be the first joint church and mosque in Sweden, if not in the whole world. God's House is love in practice.

Zinat Pirzadeh, comedian and author

I see religious denominations working together and speaking well of each other as an important contribution in community building. God's House is therefore incredibly important and it also signifies concrete ongoing cooperation, not just words. God's House is nothing less than a workshop for the future. I am boundlessly positive to God's House.

– Klas Hallberg, author and comedian

I see religious denominations working together and speaking well of each other as an important contribution in community building. God's House is therefore incredibly important and it also signifies concrete ongoing cooperation, not just words. God's House is nothing less than a workshop for the future. I am boundlessly positive to God's House.

– Klas Hallberg, author and comedian

The time has passed when interfaith dialogue could be regarded as a hobby on the fringes. Today it is a necessity to deal with hate crime, segregation and lack of faith in the future. In our belief in God as the creator of all that is visible and invisible we share a lot with our Muslim neighbours. Some other things differ. Both similarities and differences deserve to be highlighted, but above all we share the responsibility for making this world a fair and sustainable place for all people. God's House in Fisksätra is a concrete example of the obvious: that, despite differences, we must meet the challenges of life and the world together.”

Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden

In these polarised times cross-border meeting places are needed where we can protect the deepest humane and a common spirituality. God's House is a vision of peace and an ongoing integration project.”

– Helle Klein, editor-in-chief and priest

To build God's House for everyone regardless of religion, is modern and innovative. A really important work for peace! A project we wholeheartedly support. Unite Hope Project is a global peace and art project that wants to promote hope and compassion.

Lehna Edwall, artist and initiator of Unite Hope Project

To build God's House for everyone oavsett religion är modernt och nytänkande. Ett riktigt viktigt fredsarbete! Ett projekt vi stöder helhjärtat. Unitehopeproject är ett globalt freds och konstprojekt som vill verka för hopp och medkänsla.

Lehna Edwall, artist and initiator of Unite Hope Project

Visit from Fisksätra God’s House [at the embassy in Jordan]. Swedish Christians and Muslims work for interfaith dialogue – highly needed today.”

– Erik Ullenhag, Ambassador of Sweden to Jordan, former Minister for Integration,
in the Swedish Government

Thanks to God's House, we can create both a physical place to manifest peacebuilding at the local level while developing a method of interfaith dialogue that is world-unique. God's House is the future!

Vanja Möller Zouzouho, secretary of MeR barnkultur
and vice chairman of God’s House Fundraising Foundation

God needs no houses. But we people of different traditions need it, both to meet across borders of beliefs and to meet with the God who has so many names. The greatest of these is Love.”

– Lennart Koskinen, Bishop Emeritus and member of Nacka Parish

God needs no houses. But we people of different traditions need it, both to meet across borders of beliefs and to meet with the God who has so many names. The greatest of these is Love.”

– Lennart Koskinen, Bishop Emeritus and member of Nacka Parish

God's House in Fisksätra is an example of interfaith dialogue and collaboration that is needed in our time. It is urgent that it soon becomes a reality.”

– Eva Brunne, Bishop Emerita and member of God’s House Fundraising Foundation

”For us God's House meanscollaboration, increased knowledge and understanding. A fantastic peace project.”

– Magnus & Jakob, Draken Arkitektur AB, key partner and architects of God's House

”For us God's House meanscollaboration, increased knowledge and understanding. A fantastic peace project.”

– Magnus & Jakob, Draken Arkitektur AB,
vänföretag och arkitekter till Guds Hus

As artists and art consultants, we are particularly interested in meeting places and are looking for an inclusive approach, places where several voices appear simultaneously. Therefore, we support God's House.”

– Katarina Wiklund, artist & Susanna Wiklund, architect
Wiklund&Wiklund, www.wiklundwiklund.com

”Textcitat som dras lite större, för ett omväxlande visuellt uttryck.”

– Förnamn Efternamn, vem det är

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Kom med på besök till Fisksätra

Inclusion through meetings across borders. Diversity in a globalized world. Religion as a resource in civil society.

About God's House
Idea, history and future

The Building
A God's House for People

Voices for God's House
Thoughts and words about God's House

Answers to your questions

News, in focus and calendar

God's House Friends Association
Activities and dialogue

God's House Advice & Support Center
God’s House social work

Addresses and contact persons