Study Visits - Find Out More About God's House
For organisations, congregations, and other interested parties.
Many various groups from other parishes, educational institutions, municipal entities, and organisations have visited Fisksätra and God's House to learn and be inspired by our initiative.
Knowledge and Learning Central to Dialogue
For groups, we offer the opportunity to come for a study visit and to participate in workshops. Behind our pedagogical work we have many years of experience of lived interfaith dialogue. Knowledge and learning play an important role in interfaith dialogue to counter divisions caused by prejudice.
Tailored Study Visits
Each study visit can be tailored based on your points of interest and you get the opportunity to meet at least two coworkers in God's House who speak about their experiences of interfaith dialog in everyday life.
Suggestions for themes for study visits:
- The story about us - from the football field to the dream about God's House.
- The place of the interfaith dialogue in Fisksätra: in everyday life, holidays, or when the crisis strikes.
- God's House Friends Association – education and festivities for all people.
- Guds Hus Advice and Support Center – the social collaboration between the Church of Sweden, the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm, and the Muslims Association in Nacka.
On site in the multicultural Fisksätra, we also offer group-oriented process training on working with diversity. Here, seminars overlap with deepening discussions and exercises around themes like: Meeting the Other person; Democracy; Female respective male roles; Our common symbols; How can we be a resource in civil society as a religious actor? Every workshop is put together according to the group's needs and prior knowledge.
Contact and Booking
Erik Linde, präst och verksamhetsledare i Fisksätra kyrka
+46 (0)73-732 42 79
Support God's House
You can contribute – with money, time or commitment. You can easily donate via an international bank transfer or via our Facebook donation button. If you are in Sweden you can use Swish on your phone. Businesses or organizations can become key partners and make a big difference.
Stay Informed
Let us keep you up to date about what is going on. Our newsletter (in Swedish) is both an informative guide to the progress of God’s House and a great way to stay informed with details and invitations to our various activities.. I nyhetsbrevet berättar vi hur arbetet fortskrider och bjuder in till olika aktiviteter.
The newsletter is sent out 2-4 times a year. You can cancel the subscription at any time.
Inclusion through meetings across borders. Diversity in a globalized world. Religion as a resource in civil society.
About God's House
Idea, history and future
The Building
A God's House for People
Voices for God's House
Thoughts and words about God's House
Answers to your questions
News, in focus and calendar
God's House Friends Association
Activities and dialogue
God's House Advice & Support Center
God’s House social work
Addresses and contact persons
Support God's House
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